SERENDIPITY – Creative Writing, Yasmin and I (An Essay) by Hadiza Isma El-Rufai

4 thoughts on “SERENDIPITY – Creative Writing, Yasmin and I (An Essay) by Hadiza Isma El-Rufai”

  1. wow! I don’t even know what to comment on, YASMIN, her Mother Or the poem.
    This feels me with so much warmth, I feel like I met Yasmin,lol
    Serendipity is a lovely word and she did work her magic on both the drunk,Yasmin and her mom who happened upon writing so to speak.


    1. You get it totally! You should have been at the occasion to hear Mrs. Hadiza reading the piece. It wasn’t much of a reading, it was more like, to hear her say the words of the piece. There was no drama or anything and the words just came like that… Kai. Well, the link to the event that I think you might have read is

      Would have to go coach parents and relations on writing so that I would have someone write me a poem at least. Must not be a sonnet! 🙂 ‘You are the person I should’ve been’ … Wow!

      Being a mum, I can imagine that you would connect more with this. May life bring us far better tidings, DR. May Aondo bless us more. Amen.


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