How to write Poetry

4 thoughts on “How to write Poetry”

  1. Su’eddie, thanks a lot for this beautiful reminder of poetry as an important and powerful art form. To me, all of life is synchronistic poetry in motion. I love the beauty regardless of form; the spoken and unspoken words, the words hidden in the silence, the choked and aborted words, the forgotten and forsaken words… Keep sharing and we’ll keep reading! 🙂
    P.S: What’s your email address…have a few poems to ‘hit you up’ with!


    1. Yup, poetry is everything and more… Hmmm, would do more of the writing then – if you woukld be reading 🙂 I would hit you up first with a mail …


  2. i have some collections of peom ,i am looking for a person who will help me review it


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